High yield

We can help you

Company «AgroAnaliz» was created to help anyone who chose the way of agriculturist to get high yield, to protect their feilds from pests, diseases and other problems

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Full range of services

Integrated laboratories of agronomic researches are a key tool of our work.

In the laboratory soil analysis on content of elements of nutrition is hold, acidity and salinity of soil and content of toxic for plants ions are determined. The most important is that not only a plan of mineral fertilizers applying is calculated but also all necessary activities for reclamation, soil improvement.

Мнение эксперта (видео)

During period of vegetation experts of AgroAnaliz go to the field to take samples on tissue diagnostic, as only laboratory analysis lets exactly to determine what kind of macro or micro elements is in critical minimum in your plants to choose correctly the content of fertilizers for foliar nutrition.

  • Integrated approach

    Our team includes agronomists, phytopathologists, entomologists, agrochemists, specialists in crop protection, irrigation systems, agribusiness mechanization, business planning and agricultural production management.

    Cooperation with AgroAnaliz gives both a large holding and a small farm the opportunity to use the knowledge and experience of the best specialists in the industry, to understand any problem on the field, to introduce new technologies into the production process, without mistakes and losses traditional for such cases.

    Агрономы, фитопатологи, энтомологи, аргохимики, специалисты по защитам растений
  • Agro chemical cart

    Агрохимическое обследование полей по зонам продуктивности - основа точного земледелия. Это единственный метод, позволяющий выявить зон низкой урожайности и определить причины этого. Для анализа зон продуктивности система скачивает NDVI снимки вашего поля за последние 8 лет, автоматически обрабатывая данные и выявляя все проблемные зоны, для последующего отбора образцов. По результатам таких анализов мы можем не только дифференцированно вносить удобрения и регулировать нормы высева с учетом плодородия почвы, но и локально применять мелиоранты, выравнивая плодородие почвы и повышая потенциал урожайности всего поля.

    Агрономы, фитопатологи, энтомологи, аргохимики, специалисты по защитам растений
Отделения АгроАнализа
  • AgroAnaliz-Brazil
  • AgroAnaliz-Ukraine
  • AgroAnaliz-Georgia
  • AgroAnaliz-Azerbaijan
  • AgroAnaliz-Center
  • AgroAnaliz-Center
  • AgroAnaliz-Don
  • AgroAnaliz-Kazakhstan
  • AgroAnaliz-Uzbekistan

Solution for every climate zone

We carry out the whole range of analysis and conduct agreements on agronomic support for grain, industrial, vegetable and fruit crops since 2005 in the farms of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Since 2020, we have started agricultural support for agricultural companies in Latin America.

Vegetable growers, gardeners and producers of cereals and industrial crops work with a team of AgroAnaliz specialists, realizing that only close cooperation of specialists of the most diverse specialization today can make it possible to implement complex intensive technologies in the fields without mistakes, getting really high yields.